Teelah George
‘The Weight’
‘The Weight’
10 Jul.–3 Aug.2019
10 Jul.–3 Aug.2019

Exhibitions (1)
10 Jul.–3 Aug.
Teelah George, Saffron, 2019, Thread on cloth, 172 x 121 cm
Teelah George, Prayer Lesson 1, 2018-19, Thread and bronze on linen, 69 x 56 cm
Teelah George, Prayer Lesson 5, 2018-19, Thread and bronze on linen, 69 x 56 cm
Teelah George, Prayer Lesson 3, 2018-19, Thread and bronze on linen, 69 x 56 cm
Teelah George, Prayer Lesson 4, 2018-19, Thread and bronze on linen, 69 x 56 cm
Teelah George, Sky Piece (Perth, Belfast, Paris), 2018-19, Thread and bronze on linen, 160 x 160 cm
Teelah George, The Weight, 2018-19, Thread and bronze on linen, 155 x 160 cm